Please read this section carefully before signing the application form.
Declaration: I understand that any employment with the company is subject to reference and screening in accordance with BS7858 and/or other standards applicaple to the role that I am applying for.
I undertake to cooperate with the company in providing any additional information required to meet these criteria, I authorise the company to make a consumer information search with a credit reference agency, which will keep a record of that search and may share that information with other credit reference agencies.
I authorise the company and/or its nominated agent to approach previous employers, schools/colleges, character referees or Government Agencies to verify that the information I have provided is correct I understand that some of the information I have provided in this application will be held on a computer and some or all will be held in manual records.
I consent to the companies reasonable processing of any sensitive personal information for the purpose of establishing my medical condition and future fitness to perform any duties.
I accept that I may be required to undergo medical examination where requested by the company. Subject to the access of medical record act 1988, I consent to the results of such examinations to be given to the company.
I understand and agree that if so I will make a statutory declaration in accordance with the provisions of the statutory declarations act 1835, in conformation of previous employment or unemployment. I hereby confirm and clarify that, to the best of my knowledge; the details I have given in this application form are complete and correct.
I understand that any false statement or omission to the company or its representatives may render me liable to dismissal without notice and/or prosecution If appropriate.